
US-Präsident Franklin D. Roosevelt beglückwünscht Fürst Franz Josef II. zum Regierungsantritt

Schreiben von US-Präsident Franklin D. Roosevelt, gez. ders. und gegengez. Cordell Hullan Fürst Franz Josef II. [1]

2.6.1939, Washington

Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America

To His Most Serene Highness

Francis Joseph II,

Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein

Great und Good Friend:

I have received the letter of December 1938 in which you formally conveyed to me the sad tidings of the death of your beloved Great-uncle, Francis I, Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein, on the twenty-fifth day of July, last, in the eighty-sixth year of his age.

In expressing my sincere und heartfelt sympathy for Your Serene Highness and the people of Liechtenstein in their sad bereavement, I must at the same time give utterance to the satisfaction with which I received the announcement that you have succeeded to the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein, and assure Your Serene Highness of my best wishes for your personal welfare and for the prosperity of your people.

May God have Your Serene Highness in His safe and holy keeping.

Your good friend, [2]





[1] LI LA RF 182/106/180. Fürst Franz Josef II. hatte am 25./26.7.1938 die fürstlichen Hoheitsrechte im Fürstentum Liechtenstein übernommen (LGBl. 1938 Nr. 18). Die Stellvertretung für Fürst Franz I. hatte er bereits seit dem 29./30.3.1938 ausgeübt (LGBl. 1938 Nr. 9).
[2] Zum Begleitschreiben des US-Generalkonsulates in Zürich vom 10.7.1939 betreffend die Übergabemodalitäten für dieses Handschreiben siehe LI LA RF 182/106/250.