
Grossbritannien nimmt die liechtensteinische Neutralitätserklärung zur Kenntnis

Antwortschreiben des britischen Aussenministeriums, gez. von E.M.B. Ingram für den Staatssekretär, an die schweizerische Gesandtschaft in London betreffend die Neutralitätserklärung Liechtensteins [1]



I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 31st August in which you conveyed to me the text of a declaration by His Serene Highness the Prince of Liechtenstein affirming that in the event of the outbreak of war the Principality of Liechtenstein will maintain the strictest neutrality. [2]

2. I shall be glad if you will cause His Serene Highness to be informed that His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have taken due note of this communication.

3. His Serene Highness may rest assured that if in the event of a European war, Liechtenstein adopts an attitude of neutrality, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom will, in accordance with their traditional policy, be resolutely determined to respect this neutrality, provided that it is respected by other Powers.

I have the honour to be, with the highest consideration, Sir, Your obedient Servant




[1] LI LA RF 193/056/001/066. Das Schreiben ist an Charles Paravicini, den Minister an der schweizerischen Gesandtschaft in London, gerichtet. Das Dokument trägt das Aktenzeichen No. R 7017/6590/43.     
[2] Liechtenstein erklärt am 30. August 1939 seine Neutralität. Siehe LI LA RF 193/056/001/58.